Friday, October 8, 2021

Long Covid Diagrams and Information

These graphs and information come from an interesting site I found on-line tonight:
Pensum Regenerative Medicine

"The above diagram shows just a portion of the symptoms that some patients who are recovering from Covid-19 infection are manifesting. They present with these symptoms long after they have tested negative for the covid-19 virus. These are a group of patients that are now given the name Covid Long Haulers."

"Patients having long lasting symptoms after a viral infection are not new. This has been seen in the past with Ebola, and the first SARS virus in the early 2000s. Both viruses gave rise to long-lasting symptoms after some people recovered. A 2009 study in Hong Kong found that psychiatric problems and chronic fatigue still plagued SARS-1 survivors up to four years later. The Ebola virus can persist in their bodies, including in the eyes and the central nervous system, even after being cleared from the rest of the body."

"Covid Long Haulers, recovering patients whose symptoms persist after their coronavirus infections disappear, are a mix of younger people who never needed hospital care and older people with chronic conditions that predate Covid. Their symptoms trail the infection’s path through their lungs, hearts, muscles, nerves, and brains. Deadening fatigue can dog them for weeks or months. Sometimes their problems wane, then resurface in a stuttering pattern that leaves them wondering if they’ll ever get over the condition. Long-haulers include two groups of people affected by the virus. Those who experience some permanent damage to their lungs, heart, kidneys, or brain that may affect their ability to function. While the second group continue to experience debilitating symptoms despite no detectable damage to these organs. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, has speculated that many in the second group will develop a condition called myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). ME/CFS can be triggered by other infectious illnesses such as mononucleosis, Lyme disease, and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), another coronavirus disease."


                                           SET OF SYMPTOMS?

"This may be due to an immune-inflammatory response gone amok, or perhaps to ongoing viral activity that might not be clinically detectable. The etiologies are almost certainly multifactorial, but may involve overzealous immune responses, cardiopulmonary or systemic inflammation, vascular inflammation or clotting disorders, and direct damage from viral replication during acute illness."

For more information see:


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